
There are plenty of dating apps out there, but MennoMatch aims to help single Mennonite men and women meet.

So… how will MennoMatch work?

We are aware that helping two people who are seeking the Lord and have a desire to find a spouse is no small thing. As with most dating apps, before we introduce a couple to each other, we’ll do some initial work to make sure that you are at least fairly compatible. Once introduced you’ll need to figure out the rest on your own. (Although we may provide some tools to help.) 🙂

Core Convictions

Mennonites don’t always see everything 100% eye to eye. We’ll match you based on the compatibility of your convictions and where you draw the lines on a number of core Anabaptist and theological issues.

Mennonite Verification

A key concern for us is making sure that people actually believe what they say they do (we’re talking about marriage here, not a casual dating hook up). There will be a verification process to ensure that you are a mennonite before you can be matched with someone.

Headship Veiling Size

Although this may seem like a “small thing” for many people, to us mennonites it is important. In fact it is a key point of contention for many, so we’ll make sure you agree on veiling size before you even get matched.

Conference Affiliation

There are many different Mennonite conferences, we’ll allow you to select what conferences you would be comfortable dating from, and perhaps more importantly which ones you wouldn’t be comfortable with.

Location Considerations

Family is important to us in the Anabaptist tradition, and for a lot of couples that means that location, or willingness to relocate is vital when choosing a partner. Although this is a secondary factor, we’ll definitely take this into consideration.

Volleyball or Basketball?

Although couples get along well every day who don’t enjoy the same things, we think it is a good idea to be at least in the same “arena” on a few things. We may not match on these particular things, but we’ll pass them along before making introductions.

And Much… Much… More…

This is just the beginning. I’ve only just put the pen to paper to start figuring out the details of how all this will work. Pray for me as I work on this mission that I’ve been called to… Thanks!

Sound Interesting?

MennoMatch is an idea that I’ve been thinking about for 10 years or so. I’ve got some ideas for how matches can/should happen, but I’m open to input as well.

Have some thoughts about MennoMatch? Interested in being an early user and potentially finding your soul mate?