
A few years ago, I considered building MennoMatch, a dating app tailored for conservative Christians in the Anabaptist world. After much reflection, I’ve decided not to pursue the project.

I’d like to extend my gratitude to those who shared their thoughts and ideas along the way. Your feedback provided valuable insights. While I don’t have all the answers, here are a few key takeaways from the several hundred people who filled out the form that was here on the site:

Loneliness in the Community: A significant number of singles in Anabaptist circles expressed feelings of loneliness and disconnection. Many mentioned feeling unnoticed or like they didn’t belong in their local churches.

Older Age Demographic: One surprising thing (for me anyway) was the older age range of those interested. While I expected younger participants, the average age was around 40, with many individuals in their 50s and above.

    I encourage you to remain engaged with your local church, even when it’s challenging. Continue seeking the face of the Father as you navigate your personal journey.